Food poverty in the UK
Food poverty is a big issue, what are its causes and what potential solutions are there.
Food poverty is a big issue, what are its causes and what potential solutions are there.
Is civilisation really civilised?
Water is a big issues, these are some of the issues surrounding our water supply the most vital of human resources.
Can we change industrial civilisation to meet our needs.
How we can accept the uncertain future and play an active part in shaping it.
Marx saw history as an active process that we are all part of, find out more about his ideas and how they relate to history.
Want to know what the real story of the 2011 riots was, then watch this talk on the riots based on hard facts, also features rebellion in Tottenham film by reel news.
How can we change the dominance of a culture based on individualism by building community.
Find out how blacklisting has been used against people arguing for better workplace rights and conditions and how we can fight back.
The history of enclosure in Britain, essential for understanding land ownership in the present, from Simon Fairlie of the great Land Magazine.
Bristol Radical History Group do history in a different way, watch this film to see why peoples history is important, why a women’s football team became ranters and why they hate bailiffs. Filmed at Cloudcuckooland festival 2012
Is there likely to be mass social unrest in the UK due to the prevailing Neoliberal ideology.
What does resistance mean in an age of austerity, how can we change the world for the better when all around us with huge cuts based on Ideology.
A piece about how conspiracy theories can distract us from the real social injustice of capitalism and a link to rational wiki a great resource for the background to these many theories.
Reclaiming our food is crucial to developing not only sustainable futures, but also control over our lives, how can we do this for the benefit of us all.
this piece looks at high street money lenders as a vehicle that fuels poverty.
Detroit has seen capitalism develop it and now leave it in ruins to a degree, what does this mean for Detroit people and why has this happened.
Scientific evidence states happiness is linked to being kind and cooperative
Neoliberalism has a detrimental effect it on human beings and their habitat, community is what is needed.
What is Shale Oil and what does extracting it mean for the environment.