Film: Why radical history is important talk – Off Grid 2012
Michael Thomas of Permanent Culture Now begins the Radical History Day at the 2012 Sunrise Off grid Festival with a talk on Why Radical History is important.
Michael Thomas of Permanent Culture Now begins the Radical History Day at the 2012 Sunrise Off grid Festival with a talk on Why Radical History is important.
Thought the transition movement was the first movement to look at localised food production and sustainability, think again as Bristol had its own transition type movement over a hundred years ago.
Panel discussion on small scale food production with Patrick Whitefield.
Rick Roderick’s great course on the Philosophy of the modern age that examines how the self is under siege (this one focus on Baudrillard) from modern day neo-liberal capitalism, although recorded in the 1990s, still very much relevant today. This one discusses Baudrillard and his post modern views of the world.
Can we control the our food supply in the future, or are we powerless over it, read this to find out more.
Rick Roderick’s great course on the Philosophy of the modern age that examines how the self is under siege from modern day neo-liberal capitalism, although recorded in the 1990s, still very much relevant today. This one discusses the Post Modernist Derrida.
Rick Roderick’s great course on the Philosophy of the modern age that examines how the self is under siege from modern day neo-liberal capitalism, although recorded in the 1990s, still very much relevant today. This one discusses Foucault and his ideas around the control of the body and surveillance society.
To understand society you need to understand class, its function, who it serves and how to break down the barrier of class for a fairer world
Rick Roderick’s great course on the Philosophy the modern age that examines how the self is under siege from modern day neo-liberal capitalism, although recorded in the 1990s, still very much relevant today. This one focuses on Habermas of the Frankfurt School.
How can semiotics help you to understand the world, read this to find out
Rick Roderick’s great course on the Philosophy of the modern age that examines how the self is under siege from modern day neo-liberal capitalism, although recorded in the 1990s, still very much relevant today. This one focuses on Marcuse and his theory of the one dimensional man.
Where does multiculturalism stand today and is it still a valid project, read more to find out
Rick Roderick’s great course on the Philosophy of the modern age that examines how the self is under siege from modern day neo-liberal capitalism, although recorded in the 1990s, still very much relevant today. This one focuses on Sartre and existentialism.
Rick Roderick’s great course on the Philosophy of the modern age that examines how the self is under siege from modern day neo-liberal capitalism, although recorded in the 1990s, still very much relevant today. This one focuses on Heidegger and his seminal work Being and Time. – Mike
Rick Roderick’s great course on the Philosophy of the modern age that examines how the self is under siege from modern day neo-liberal capitalism, although recorded in the 1990s, still very much relevant today. This is the intro that explains why the self is under siege.
The work ethic, is almost a given that is never questioned, but why do we work the way we do and where does the view that we should work come from, read this to find out more
The debt can never be paid off! To understand the economic crisis you need to understand how money is created and some of you may be surprised at how this occurs and why paying off the debt could cause economic collapse.
Is peak water going to be an issue, can water be better managed, how can business help towards water sustainability, watch this Schumacher talk from Bristol Green Week to find out about this and more.
What role can business play in addressing environmental issues, can business ever be sustainable and ethical, the panel from a variety of backgrounds from Dragons Den Deborah Meaden, Good Energy’s Juilet Davenport to Andrew Simms of the New Economics Foundation attempts to address these questions
Is a new convergence possible between humans and nature, Clare Hedin believes that we have to, watch to find out more.