A common peoples history of the UK part 6: Communities built by working people
In part 6 of the of the history of the commonsmovements, find out about the inspiring Chartists movements and their relevance for a permanent culture today.
In part 6 of the of the history of the commonsmovements, find out about the inspiring Chartists movements and their relevance for a permanent culture today.
How the cooperative movement developed, find out about Robert Owen and his New Lanark communities and the relevance the cooperative movement has for us to day.
Find out why Thomas Spence, Mary Wollenscroft, Thomas Paine and William Blake are so important to our struggles today.
Find out how the Levellers and Ranters are our ancestors in the campaign for a more a equal, just world.
Find out how Robert Kett and Thomas Moore wanted to change the world, with their ideas of Utopia.
Find out about the first enclosures of land in the UK and how the common people were forced off the land into poverty and the preceding uprisings that occurred and what relevance these events have for today in this new historical serialisation about common people and the land.