Social class and Ecology
How does social class and ecology fit together.
How does social class and ecology fit together.
A brief history of rocket stoves, and why they are useful for the transition from fossil fuels
This piece provides a basic breakdown of permaculture systems that use of refrain from the use of livestock.
How to reclaim wood and use it to heat ourselves.
How can permaculture and politics work together in the politics of the future.
How a permaculture flower pond can help pollinator insects in your garden.
The development of a permaculture plot with a future of scarcity in mind.
This piece looks at the African keyhole garden as a growing structure for a future permanent culture.
How our actions can have a very effect as we move away from the old order of capitalism and exploitation towards a permanent culture of the future.
We need your help to build the Permanent Culture Now Project, can you spare a couple of minutes to tell your friends about us, we’ve made it as easy as possible for you to do – cheers Mike and Steve
Brigit Strawbridge explains how bees can be integrated into a permaculture design, loads of tips and information on beekeeping and permaculture.
Permaculture principles are key to permaculture, find out about them here and how they apply to real world situations and can be used to develop a permanent culture.
Learn how to put on a seed swap event and why they are important for moving towards a Permanent Culture.