If you like this talk or any of the talks that are from off grid then please donate a small amount to the festival as it fell short of its budget by £3,500 and it would be such a shame for it not to continue, alternatively buy a ticket for next years festival, you can donate and buy tickets here.
Paddington Farm Trust (on Sustaination) is a 43 acre site near Glastonbury run by Michael and Tanya. They aren’t full time farmers, in fact most of the food growing on site is handled by a separate group, Torganics; instead PFT run courses and holiday providing a farm and countryside experience to – among others – disadvantaged and urban children.
To these children, being actively encouraged to play with knives and to use them for their intended purpose is something rather rare. Being trusted and involved, getting lots of opportunity to use up energy and going to bed tired and full of new knowledge is a wholly new experience, and it sounds like the impact that PFT has had on some of their lives has been .. well.. life-changing.